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IRON AND STEEL WORKERS UNION OF NIGERIA AND MANAGEMENT OF OSHOGBO STEEL ROLLINGMIILLS (NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COURT) HON. JUSTICE (CHIEF) P.A. ATILADE - PRESIDENT ALHAJI Z.M. BELLO - MEMBER M.A. BORISADE, ESQ. - MEMBER SUIT NO: - NIC/12/85 DATE OF JUDGMENT - FRIDAY, 22ND JUNE, 1990 LABOUR LAW - Trade dispute - Lock-out of workers - Employer refusing to allow workers in - Whether and when amounts to lock¬out. TRADE DISPUTE - Lock-out of workers - Employer refusing to allow in workers - Whether and when amounts to lock-out. ISSUE: Whether the event of 25th January, 1984 at Oshogbo Steel Rolling Company was a lock-out of workers or a strike by the workers FACTS: A trade between the parties was referred to the Industrial Arbitration Panel (IAP). The issues n dispute were victimization, intimidation and wrongful termination of appointment of branch/zonal secretary of the Appellant. The IAP in its award found against the Appellant and in favour of the Respondent. The appellant being dissatisfied objected to the award of the IAP and the matter was he National Industrial Court. HELD: (Allowing the peal and ordering reinstatement) On What amounts to lock-out - In this case, the management of the Respondent barricaded the factory premises and prevented workers from entering. Although the management later made press release appealing to the generality of the workers to return to work, but refused to allow in some workers. The action of the management in not allowing in the workers amount to lock-out of the affected workers.